Edmund Husserl: essays, papers, works. Electronic Edition.
ISBN: 978-1-57085-089-9
Language: German
List of Volumes
Philosophy of Arithmetic (1891)
Logical Investigations (1900-1922)
Ideas to a pure Phenomenology (1913)
Lectures on the inner consciousness of time (1928)
Cartesian Meditations (1929-1931)
Formal and Transcendental Logic (1929)
The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology (1936/7)
Experience and judgment (1939)
Essays, lectures and Reviews (1890-1937)
Text basis: experience and judgment. Study the genealogy of logic. Edited and ed. v. L. Landgrebe. On the textual basis of the discount edition of the 1939th
Text basis: Cartesian Meditations and Paris talks. Ed. And introduced by Stephan Strasser. Reproduction of 2. verb. Edition. 1991. XXII, 260 S. Husserliana, Vol. I (1963).
Ideas for a Pure Phenomenology ... (1913). Text basis: ideas to a pure Phenomenology. First Book: General Introduction to Pure Phenomenology. In two bands. 1. halfband: Text of the 1st-3rd Edition; 2. halfband: Additional texts (1912 - 1929). New ed. Karl Schuhmann. Reproduction. 1976. LVII, 706 S. Husserliana, Vol. III 1/2, 1976
Ideas for a Pure Phenomenology ... (1913). Text basis: ideas to a pure Phenomenology. Second book: phenomenological research to the Constitution.Ed. By Marly Biemel. Reproduction. 1991. XX, 426 S. Husserliana, Vol. IV, 1952
Ideas for a Pure Phenomenology ... (1913). Text basis: ideas to a pure Phenomenology. Book Three: The phenomenology and the foundations of the sciences. Ed. By Marly Biemel. Reproduction. 1971. VI, 166 S. Husserliana, Vol. V, 1971
The Encyclopaedia Britannica article. S. 273-301, textual basis: Phenomenological Psychology. Lectures Summer Semester 1925. Ed. By Walter Biemel. 2. verb. Edition. 1968. XXVII, 650 p Husserliana Vol. IX, 1962
Lectures on the inner consciousness of time (1928). From: To phenomenology of inner time consciousness (1893-1917). Ed. By Rudolf Boehm. Reproduction of 2. verb. Edition. 1969. XLIV, 484 S. Husserliana, Vol. X, 1966
Text basis: The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology. An Introduction to the phenomenological philosophy. Ed. By Walter Biemel. Reproduction of 2. verb. Edition. 1976. XII, 558 S. Husserliana, Vol. VI (1962).
Philosophy of Arithmetic (1891). Text basis: Philosophy of Arithmetic. With complementary texts (1890-1901). Ed. By Lothar Eley. 1970. XXXX, 586 S. Husserliana, Vol. XII, 1970
Formal and Transcendental Logic (1929). Text basis: Formal and Transcendental Logic. Attempt at a critique of logical reason. With complementary texts. Ed. By Paul Janssen. 1974. XLVI, 512 S. Husserliana, vol. XVII (1974)
Text basis: Logical Investigations. First volume: Prolegomena to pure logic. Text of the 1st and 2nd edition. Ed. By Elmar Holenstein. 1975. LIVI, 288 S. Husserliana, Vol. XVIII, 1970
Text basis: Logical Investigations. Second volume: Studies on the phenomenology and theory of knowledge. Ed. by Ursula tanks. 1984. 1024 S. in two volumes. Husserliana, Vol. XIX, 1984
Rank. LVIV, 486 S. Husserliana Vol. XXII 1979.
Text basis: essays and lectures (1911-1921). Ed. By Thomas Nenon and Hans Rainer Sepp. 1987. XXIV, 408 S. Husserliana Vol. XXV 1987.
Text basis: essays and lectures (1922-1937). Ed. By Thomas Nenon and Hans Rainer Sepp. Husserliana Vol. XXVII, 1989