Intelex Complete
The Past Masters series includes these major subject areas:
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InteLex Corporation's PAST MASTERS series encompasses the world's largest collection of full-text electronic editions in philosophy. The series also includes significant collections in political thought, religious studies, sociology, the history of science, economics, and classics. Original language texts are available in Latin, French, German, Danish and Dutch, aside from English and English translation.
Abelard, Peter
Addams, Jane
Addison, Joseph
Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury
Aquinas, Thomas
Arnold, Matthew
Ashmole, Elias
Augustine, Bishop of Hippo
Austen, Jane
Austin, John Langshaw
Ayer, Alfred Jules
Bacon, Francis
Bacon, Roger
Baillie, Joanna
Balguy, John
Beauvoir, Simone de
Becket, Thomas à, Archbishop of Canterbury
Behn, Aphra
Bello, Andres
Benjamin, Walter
Bentham, Jeremy
Berkeley, George
Blake, William
Bodley, Thomas
Bonaventure, Saint
Boole, George
Boswell, James
Boyle, Robert
Bradley, Francis Herbert
Bradley, Henry
Brawne, Fanny
Bridges, Robert
Brontë, Charlotte
Brown, John
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
Browning, Robert
Bruno, Giordano
Burke, Edmund
Burney, Frances
Burns, Robert
Butler, Joseph
Calvin, John
Cassirer, Ernst
Carter, Elizabeth
Centlivre, Susannah
Chapone, Hester
Chekhov, Anton
Chesterfield, Philip
Clarke, John
Clarke, Samuel
Clough, Arthur Hugh
Coleridge, Hartley
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Collingwood, Robert George
Conway, Anne
Cowley, Hannah
Cowper, William
Cromwell, Thomas
Cudworth, Ralph
Darwin, Charles
Davidson, Donald
Defoe, Daniel
Descartes, René
Dewey, John
Dickens, Charles
Edgeworth, Maria
Eliot, George (Evans, Mary Anne)
Ferguson, Adam
Feuerbach, Ludwig
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb
Fielding, Henry
Fielding, Sarah
Foucault, Michel
Fox, Richard
Francis of Assisi
Frazer, James George
Freud, Sigmund
Gaskell, Elizabeth
Gay, John
Gladstone, William
Godolphin, Sidney
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Gray, Thomas
Griffith, Elizabeth
Grimm Brothers
Halley, Edmond
Hardy, Thomas
Haywood, Eliza
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
Hobbes, Thomas
Hogg, James
Holmes, Oliver Wendell
Homes, Henry, Lord Kames
Hume, David
Husserl, Edmund
Hutcheson, Frances
Jacobi, Friedrich Heinrich
James, William
Johnson, Samuel
Jones, William
Jowett, Benjamin
Kant, Immanuel
Kierkegaard, Søren
Knox, John
Lamb, Caroline
Laski, Harold J.
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm
Lewes, George Henry
Livingstone, David
Locke, John
Luther, Martin
Lytton, Rosina Bulwer
Machiavelli, Niccolo
Maistre, Joseph de
Malebranche, Nicolas
Malthus, Thomas Robert
Mandeville, Bernard
Manley, Delarivier
Mansfield, Katherine
Marlborough, John Churchill
Martineau, Harriet
Marvell, Andrew
Meredith, George
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice
Mill, John Stuart
Montagu, Elizabeth
Montagu, Mary Wortley
Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat
Newman, John Henry
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Nightingale, Florence
Ockham, William of
Osborne, Dorothy
Owen, Wilfred
Paine, Thomas
Paley, William
Pascal, Blaise
Pater, Walter
Peacock, Thomas Love
Peirce, Charles Sanders
Pepys, Samuel
Piozzi, Hester Lynch
Pix, Mary
Poinsot, John
Pope, Alexander
Price, Richard
Raleigh, Walter
Reeve, Clara
Reid, Thomas
Ricardo, David
Richards, Ivor Armstrong
Richardson, Samuel
Robinson, Henry Crabb
Robinson, Mary
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Salisbury, John of
Santayana, George
Scheler, Max
Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph
Schiller, Friedrich von
Schopenhauer, Arthur
Scott, Sarah
Scott, Sir Walter
Scotus, John Duns
Seward, Anne
Shaftesbury, Anthony
Shelley, Mary
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Sheridan, Richard
Sidgwick, Henry
Simmel, Georg
Smith, Adam
Smith, Charlotte
Smith, Sydney
Smollet, Tobias
Southey, Robert
Spencer, Herbert
Spinoza, Benedict
Steele, Richard
Sterne, Laurence
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Swift, Jonathan
Synge, John Millington
Latin Background: 1100-1550, The
Bluestocking Feminism 1738-1785
Bluestocking Feminism 1738-1785
Shelley (Mary): Novels and Selected Works
Pickering & Chatto Women's Studies I
Sidgwick: Complete Works, Select Correspondence
Simmel: Aufsätze, Abhandlungen, Werke
Smith: Works and Correspondence
Talbot, Catherine
Temple, William Johnston
Temple, William, Archbishop
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord
Thackeray, William Makepeace
Thomas, Edward
Tolstoy, Leo
Trelawny, Edward John
Trollope, Anthony
Trollope, Frances
Trotter, Catherine
Walpole, Horace
Wanley, Humfrey
Weber, Max
Weil, Simone
Weininger, Otto
Wesley, Samuel
Wharton, Edith
Wilson, Thomas
Wittgenstein, Ludwig
Wollaston, William
Wollstonecraft, Mary
Wordsworth, Dorothy
Wordsworth, Mary
Wordsworth, William
Wotton, Henry
Wycliffe, John
Weininger: Kritische Editionen
Pickering & Chatto Women's Studies I
Emerging Tradition 1500-1700, The
Wittgenstein: Letters and Lectures
Wittgenstein: Tagebücher und Briefe
Wittgenstein: Texts and Contexts
Wittgenstein: Gesamtbriefwechsel (2nd Release)
Wordsworths: Collected Letters
Wordsworths: Collected Letters
Wordsworths: Collected Letters